G R E E N E R   S I D E   O F   T H E   T R A C K S
Photography for "Greener Side of the Tracks," September 2019.
Photography for "Greener Side of the Tracks," September 2019.
Rachel M. displays peppers and squash grown in the new hoop house, built to increase fresh produce on campus.
Rachel M. displays peppers and squash grown in the new hoop house, built to increase fresh produce on campus.
"We've had students who've worked in the garden and described it as a healing process. I think that is a testimony to what gardening can be for a lot more students." - Brandon Hoover, Director of Sustainability at Messiah University.
"We've had students who've worked in the garden and described it as a healing process. I think that is a testimony to what gardening can be for a lot more students." - Brandon Hoover, Director of Sustainability at Messiah University.
Hannah C., a summer student worker in the garden, tends to pepper plants in the new hoop house.
Hannah C., a summer student worker in the garden, tends to pepper plants in the new hoop house.
Besides growing vegetables, students who live at the nearby Restoration House keep chickens to sell eggs at the campus Farm Stand every Tuesday.
Besides growing vegetables, students who live at the nearby Restoration House keep chickens to sell eggs at the campus Farm Stand every Tuesday.
During the Great Depression, this same plot of land was used by staff and faculty to raise food and lower their cost of living. The hoop house continues that legacy of farming for students today.
During the Great Depression, this same plot of land was used by staff and faculty to raise food and lower their cost of living. The hoop house continues that legacy of farming for students today.
C O U R T S I D E   C O N V E R S A T I O N S
Photography for "Courtside Conversations," May 2019.
Photography for "Courtside Conversations," May 2019.
Athlete profile of Alex M., Junior Men's Tennis Team captain.
Athlete profile of Alex M., Junior Men's Tennis Team captain.
"You need to be strong mentally in order to perform well. Every point counts and results in something different."
"You need to be strong mentally in order to perform well. Every point counts and results in something different."
"I want...to stay humble when I win and to be humble when I lose, knowing I had done my best."
"I want...to stay humble when I win and to be humble when I lose, knowing I had done my best."
M E A N T   F O R   T H I S :   S H A R O N   B E R G E R
Photography for "Meant for This: Sharon Berger - Librarian, Cosplayer, Inspiration, Woman of Power," March 2020.
Photography for "Meant for This: Sharon Berger - Librarian, Cosplayer, Inspiration, Woman of Power," March 2020.
This Batman cosplay is an homage to Batman as Hades, God of the Underworld.
This Batman cosplay is an homage to Batman as Hades, God of the Underworld.
Nearly all of her costumes are handcarved 8-10mm EVA foam, which makes the costumes much lighter than they appear.
Nearly all of her costumes are handcarved 8-10mm EVA foam, which makes the costumes much lighter than they appear.
From the outside, Berger's garage is unassuming. But inside is full of imaginative costumes and creatures brought to life, like these Harry Potter mandrakes.
From the outside, Berger's garage is unassuming. But inside is full of imaginative costumes and creatures brought to life, like these Harry Potter mandrakes.
"I've had hardcore makers come in and be like 'This is an A+ setup, lady!'"
"I've had hardcore makers come in and be like 'This is an A+ setup, lady!'"
The original form for the shoulderpiece was modeled from trash bags and paper - Berger will use whatever is on hand. The dotted lines show where she will cut up the form, lay it flat, and create a set of 2D patterns to follow.
The original form for the shoulderpiece was modeled from trash bags and paper - Berger will use whatever is on hand. The dotted lines show where she will cut up the form, lay it flat, and create a set of 2D patterns to follow.
M A K E R S   &   M E N D E R S
Photography for "Campus Closet: Makers & Menders," May 2019. Naomi C. models a handmade dress from a fabrics class.
Photography for "Campus Closet: Makers & Menders," May 2019. Naomi C. models a handmade dress from a fabrics class.
"I could make it specific to my taste, whilst controlling the amount of drape it had and the embellishments and color."
"I could make it specific to my taste, whilst controlling the amount of drape it had and the embellishments and color."
"This is me figuring out my personal style, being experimental with what I like." — Kelly H.
"This is me figuring out my personal style, being experimental with what I like." — Kelly H.
Sam L. fixes a machine in the Messiah University theater department, where he designed costumes after graduating. His love of handmade clothes began after taking a Wearable Art class.
Sam L. fixes a machine in the Messiah University theater department, where he designed costumes after graduating. His love of handmade clothes began after taking a Wearable Art class.
"Firsthand knowledge of the work put into making your own clothes is a greater appreciation for the clothing itself."
"Firsthand knowledge of the work put into making your own clothes is a greater appreciation for the clothing itself."
D I G G I N G   D E E P :   G R O U N D S   C R E W
Photography for "Digging Deep with Messiah's Grounds Crew," March 2019. Mark Graybill, Grounds Service Manager.
Photography for "Digging Deep with Messiah's Grounds Crew," March 2019. Mark Graybill, Grounds Service Manager.
On today's to-do list: replace the shed behind Starry Softball Field.
On today's to-do list: replace the shed behind Starry Softball Field.
"We could rush through this stuff in two hours, but we don't want to. We want to take our time to make sure we do it right."
"We could rush through this stuff in two hours, but we don't want to. We want to take our time to make sure we do it right."