Fall 2018
“...that you be perfectly united in mind and thought.”
— 1 COR 1:10
To connect, to collaborate, and to make Christ known within the walls of Paris: this is the heartbeat of Paris Intra-Muros, and the pulse of this logo. Ancient ideas find fresh forms in this line-based mark, where the fish used by early Christian communities fuses with linework the color of water, imitating the Seine as it reaches from one end of Paris to the other. As PIM unites the assemblies of Paris to better resemble the seamless body of Christ, this logo reflects His work and His presence in Paris.
As always, some adjustments had to be made in the process. After getting feedback that some members were reading the uppercase "P" as a lowercase cursive "L," it was back to the drawing board. No drastic changes required; just a better balance between reading a "P" and recognizing a fish.